
Signs You Need to Consult Your Earwax Problem to an ENT Doctor

Some folks are susceptible to generate an overabundance of earwax. Still, excessive wax does not automatically cause blockage. As a matter of fact, the most common earwax blockage cause is at-home earwax removal. Using bobby pins, cotton swabs, or other items in the ear canal also can push ear wax deeper and create a blockage.

You also are more likely to have ear wax buildup if you use earphones on a frequent basis. They may inadvertently prevent wax from coming out of your ear canals and lead to blockages.

Earwax buildup signs and symptoms

The appearance of wax in the ears varies from a light-yellow color to a darker brown. Dark colors do not necessarily indicate that there is a blockage.

Earwax buildup indications include:

  • earache
  • feeling of fullness inside your ear
  • tinnitus, a buzzing or ringing in your ear
  • partial or sudden hearing loss, which is typically temporary

Unremoved build-up of earwax may cause an infection. Call your ENT doctor if you see the following symptoms of infection:

  • dizziness
  • a smell coming from the ear
  • persistent hearing loss
  • coughing
  • fever
  • ear drainage
  • pain in the ear that does not subside
  • serious pain in the ear

It is critical to note that earaches, dizziness, and hearing loss also have several other causes. Visit the doctor if any of those symptoms are frequent. A complete medical assessment may assist in determining if the issue is because of excessive earwax or another health problem entirely.

Earwax in Kids

Kids, like adults, naturally generate earwax. While it might be tempting to take out the wax, doing that may damage his/her ears.

If you think your child has an earwax problem, it is better to visit a pediatrician. Your youngster’s doctor also may notice excessive wax during routine ear examinations and remove it as necessary. In addition, if you see your kiddo sticking their finger or additional objects in the ear out of irritation, ask their doctor to examine their ears for a build-up of wax.

Earwax in Seniors

Earwax also can be a problem in elderly adults. Some seniors might allow wax to build up until it starts to obstruct hearing. The majority of conductive hearing loss cases in seniors are caused by a build-up of earwax.

Seeking Assistance from Your ENT doctor

Most folks do not require frequent medical assistance for an earwax problem. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a one-time-per-year cleaning at the annual physician’s appointment usually is sufficient to keep blockage under control.

If your ear becomes more irritated or you do not have the ability to clear the wax, get medical treatment. Additional conditions might cause earwax buildup symptoms. It is vital that the doctor rule those out. They may use an otoscope to clearly see into the inner ear.

Carefully follow the instructions of your local ENT doctor for aftercare.

Most folks do well after removing their earwax. Hearing oftentimes immediately returns to normal. But some folks are vulnerable to generate too much wax and will be faced with the issue again.